October 23-24
Oya Mamaloja marketplace 7pm Saturday: 8am Alawemo ( town purification) 2pm Children’s party @ Esu temple 4pm Egungun Parade thru the village 8pm Oya Masquerade party. Sunday: 8am: Alawemo (town purification) 1pm Oya parade 2pm Oya Gbemileri / presentations/repast / 5pm closing and farewells. |
Notes on the Goddess OyaJoin Oyotunji African Village to Celebrate our Great Mother Oya Iyansa! Oya a fufu lele je igi loke loke - "Oya the Mother of 9 who eats trees from the top (tornadoes)"! The festivities will begin Fri. Oct 26th, at 7pm with Mamaloja's Marketplace Meet and Greet and end late Sun evening!
The proper worship of Oya is so important, now more than ever. Raging storms, natural disasters, political discord, economic instability (marketplace), are all signs of Oya's demand for worship! The loving Mother who fiercely defends Her children, Oya's signs can also be seen as the clearing away of the old (ways) to make way for the new; for the future! We simply have to show Her the proper respect and gratitude! Bring love, offerings, money for the African Marketplace, and come ready to have an incredible time! Oriki fun Oya (prayer to Oya) O-ni-il-osin Oya rumu bi eni gbe ike Oya opera wa gba je, ko de inu Owner of the place of worship. Spirit of the Wind, deep in thought carving out concepts. Complete Spirit of the Wind, come and receive your offerings without offense NOTE: Dress in traditional clothing or white outfit. If you do not own traditional wear then come as you are. Offerings for Oya: Eggplant, purple grapes, purple or red candle, money, sweet red wine |
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