Obatala Schedule of events:
Friday August 24th. 9am Omiero (Making of sacred herb water)** 10am Ebo eje (yearly offerings to Obatala) Private ceremony for priest only.** 7pm Egungun ancestor veneration 11pm Priest and devotees sleep in Obatala temple** **Indicate occurrence is for Priest attendees only Sunday August 26th
7am Priest take oath at Obatala shrine 8am Alawenumo ** 11am Mystical Workings of Obatala workshop 2pm Obatala Parade thru Village grounds. 3pm Gbemileri for Obatala (celebration priest dance) |
Saturday August 25th
5:30 am Offering at Oya river Paiges Point** 8am Alawenumo (purification of Village) 9am Priest oath taking at Obatala temple. 11am Ebo leri (head feedings/rogation) 2pm Egungun Torungbemi parade (Parade of Egungun) 5pm Children's Ariya (party for children) 9pm Ariya Obatala (general party for Obatala) 11pm Priest sleep at Obatala temple** |
Tickets available online now for the 2018 Obatala Festival! Rates are $20 ages 13 and up, $10 ages 7 to 12 and FREE for ages 7 and under. College students $15 (with Student ID). Discount available for groups of 10 or more.
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