the Ifa Oracle is one of the oldrest known to man. For aeons Yoruba people used the sacred implements of Orunmila called "Ifa" to forcast everything from a persons destiny to marriage. Weekly in the African village the oracle is consulted this event is called "Dafa Osei", the reading helps the community avoid roadblocks that may impede progress.
Yearly Babalawo from around the country gather to forecast events that will unfold during the year 2012. Some call it "peering into the future" we call is the Reading of the Year. Divinations will be performed for the world,the USA,African Americans,Oyotunji Village, and the Yoruba community in the UK. This event is free to the public and. All participants please bring pen and note pad to record the Reading for the Year. If you are unable to attend you may order a copy of the reading via US mail for $16 donation. Please write to [email protected] for copy of REading of the Year.