What is Moringa It’s not engineered in a test tube. It’s not processed in a laboratory. And it’s definitely not assembled in a factory.
It’s called Moringa—and it has more vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients than any other gift from Mother Nature.
Gram for gram, Moringa powder contains 25 times the iron in spinach, 17 times the calcium in milk, 15 times the potassium in bananas, 10 times the Vitamin A in carrots, 9 times the protein in yogurt, and generous helpings of all the B vitamins, Vitamins C and D, over 22 amino acids, high levels of antioxidants, zinc, magnesium and selenium.
Moringa has been used since the heyday of Egyptian, Greek and Roman empires. In the rich mineralized soils of eastern Africa, farming families grow Moringa trees, from which young Moringa leaves are hand-picked, shade-dried and hand-ground into a fine powder, while Moringa seeds are cold-pressed into a fine, gold-hued oil.
The entire process is organic, from the hands-on labor to the solar and wind technologies employed. (In fact, Moringa seeds are used in water purification, replacing expensive chemical treatments.) The source is uniquely potent: anti-bacterial, anti-pollutant and anti-aging compounds in the seed oil, combined with the exceptional oxidative stabilityKeeps you looking fresh and un aged), render it a powerful and effective cosmetic. The two products work synergistically to help develop wholesome beauty, a combination of good nutrition, wellness, beauty and vitality. Plant your own "Super Tree" today!!
Order your own Moringa Plant from Oyotunji VIllage's Afin Farm. This super food can be planted near to your home and act as your personal pharmacy. Moringa is your cure for malnutrition and of course you would ask, "malnutrition in America?". A big fat yes!!!! MOst if not all of the food we eat is nutrient deficient even if it is "organic" but Moringa can replace the nutrients where other man made foods fall short mainly in part because Moringa is "God made"
Care If a fast growing and seed pod beaing plant is what you want choose Moringa Oleifera. The Moringa Stenopetala ( the African Variety) grows a little slower and wont bear seed pods or grow very fast in the first year.
- Moringa does not like wet feet so add some sand to your potting soil. - Moringa thrives in depleted and dry soil. - Moringa loves lots of sun and dislikes the frost. - Moringa trees can grow up to 20' the first year.