LearnThe basics of the course is a bit of math, science, culture. Learn the basics of the arch. Learn why the circle is the strongest shape in nature. Oba Adefunmi teaches us how to plaster and mix the exterior coatings. The filling of bags with earth can be enjoyed by family of all ages. Prepare to get down and dusty and work with your fellow human. Learns how to source and harvest local wood and incorporate it into your project.
EnvisionEnvision owning your own land and being able to build your dwelling from the dirt right beneath your feet. Envision building a structure that would have a passive foot print and would stand for generations as a monument to show that we cared about future generations.
CultureThe peoples of Africa have always used Earth as a primary building material. Mainly because there was more then enough of the stuff and because trees were considered sacred. Learn the science behind our cultural beliefs. Building with earth allows the participant to become one with the soil they touch.
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